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That’s a LONG way for a Partner Carry!

6 #HIM gathered at #F3BlastFurnace on a breezy yet comfortable morning!

After welcoming back Compass!!! and disclaiming my responsibility for what was to ensue, the PAX began to warm up as follows:

Weedpicker x 15 IC

Hillbilly x 15 IC

SSH x 15 IC

Typically we will continue to warmup with a nice mosey around the park. I thought we would change it up a bit and ATTEMPT something that I don’t believe had been done before – a Partner Carry around the park (1/2 mile). Winklevoss expressed his excitement and aptly pointed out “That’s a LONG way for a Partner Carry”! Indeed it was Winklevoss, Indeed it was! We partnered up (Lowes/Spike, Tuck/Boyant, Winklevoss/Compass) and then we were off and went as long as we could before switching off. I had the pleasure of carrying Spike up the hill on Starr St. That was fun! It was long and hard but we did it!

Next we moseyed over to what will from this point forward be known as Spike Hill (hill on Fisher St that Spike grew up sledding on, behind “The Club”, near Acme). Spike hill is long, and I needed more miles in for #RunRangerRun, so we commenced some 11’s on Spike hill, starting with 1 Monkey Humper at the bottom and 10 Burpees at the top.

As I said before, Spike hill is long, and it takes a while to partner carry for 1/2 mile, so I had to call time before we made it all the way through, but it still kicked everyone’s butt I think!

Back to the AO, with no time for Mary 🙁


We all need to be more diligent with wearing reflective gear/vests/PT Belts etc to make sure we are visible in the dark. Especially when planning to go off campus. I will try to do a better job about communicating when going off campus when I Q (using Slack) and I encourage others to do the same.


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