Rained…a lot…the entire workout. So we kept under the pavilion for the workout.
huggie bear, arm circles, best stretch ever, IC – ssh, seal jacks, abe vigado, grasspickers, mountain climbers, plank jacks, merkins, prom dates and single foot prom dates
The thang
Inch worm length of pavilion – 10 dry docks IC; inch warm backward to start 10 dry docks ic – 50 walking lunges
Crab walk length of pavilion – 10 dips ic; Backward crab walk to start – 10 dips ic – 40 squats
Bear crawl- on ‘UP’ pax jump up, come down and complete a merkin and then continue bear or crawl bear on way back (ascended 1 to 7 merkins). Completed 10 merkins on Drop box’s count – 30 jump ups
Pax lined up in plank side to side. Moved over one position on hands and feet, merkin, over again, merkin, across pavilion and back. – 20 bonnie blairs
Pax completed burpees while each member took a turn sprinting around inside of pavilion
American hammers w/ Wilson, ww1, crunchy frog, flutter kicks, freddie mercury, J-LO’s
A lot of prayers and thanksgiving. Some good discussion on the importance of trying to love in situations when its not easy, especially as husbands (love your wives, as Christ loved the Church) but also in other vocations. I really appreciate the thoughts and conversation and had fun even though we were stuck under the pavilion.
Timmy Ho coming up big and VQ next week – No Canadian merlot expected!