Super Bowl Circuits
15 Side straddle hops in cadence
10 X Jacks in cadence
15 Monkey Humpers in cadence
20 Moroccan Night Clubs
Parking Lot Circuit
– Sprint up/karaoke back x3 (merkins for 6)
– High knees up/quick feet back 10ct juke left, 10ct juke right, repeat. X3 (merkins for 6)
– Bear crawl 1/2 way up/3 point stance, 4 step explosion, repeat. X3 (merkins for 6)
Pavilion Circuit
3 sets, 20/15/10 reps
– Box jumps
– Dips
– Decline merkins
– Incline merkins
Band Shell Circuit
3 sets
– Sprint in place to 4 scissor jumps x10
– Elbow Plank, knee to side x15 per leg
– 20/15/10 Merkins, (diamond, wide, military). Call out number when done but continue military merkins for 6.
– 10 log jumps in cadence