Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley


It was the first week back to the bear Swamp after a mini hybernation for Neon. Festivities including common F3 fare of strength and cardio and dashing over amd through the puddles.


Mosey, SSHs, grass pickers, monkey humpers, plank jacks, dive bomber merkins amd arm circles

The Thang

Side shuffle each side, butt kickers, power skips amd mosey

Runners choice for quarter mile, puddle laden loop; burpees, dry docks, squats, sshs, imperial squats, merkins, lbcs.

50-yard bear crawl. Mosey to pavilion, incline merkins, dips. mosey to jungle

gym for max pullups. Mosey to porch for mary

Count/Namarama: 7

COT: Uptown Girls friend, Jason, PPL’s IT dept., Knievel’s cooworker and Nein’s praise

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