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Stage Fright

Warm Up:

SS Hops, Abe Vigodas, Grass Pickers, Toe Touches, Leg Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog-ish Stretches, Squat Jumps

The Thang:

Mosey – one lap around The Ranch

10 minutes of 7-10 Burpees per minute alternating with squats, lunges, stage step-ups, LBCs

Team up/Relay: 3 PAX mosey from Stage to BBall Court and back while 2 PAX performed continuous squats at stage, then teams switch

10 minutes of 12-14 merkins per minute: regular, wide grip, diamonds, palms out, inclines, declines, Peter Parker Spiders, alternating with squats, lunges, stage step-ups, LBCs and dips

Mosey up the hill and around The Ranch


Dealer’s Choice-Freddy Mercurys, Slow Motion Freddy Mercurys, Oblique Crunches, Flutter Kicks

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