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Spring Training

It was a mild December day with temps akin to those in spring for some heavy breathing on the baseball diamond. The matutinal activities commenced with a mosey through parking down to baseball field.

Side straddle hops, lunges, squats, goofballs, arm circles, Spiderman Merkins, monkey Humpers galore
The Thang
Partner up for three innings!
Inning one: partner runs around the bases while other partner at home does Burpee’s for a team cumulative of 50
Inning two: Running and a cumulative of 80 Carolina Dry docks
Inning three: bear crawl to first and onto second, then crab walk to third and home
Circle up for a round of legs led by each of the pax
Mosey to jungle gym
Max out pull ups, Mountain climbers, max out assisted pull-ups
Mosey back to shovel flag for a round of glorious mary

Count-o-rama / Name-o-rama: 6

Announcements & Prayers: Upcoming workouts, Allentown Rescue Mission 12/6/17 and prayers for Uptown Girl step father who is undergoing survey 12/7

COT: 6:15AM

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