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Spartan Race Ready Workout 2

1 Round:

2 minute dead hang (or max)

1 minute rest

90 second dead hang (or max)

1 minute rest

1 minute dead hang (or max)

1 minute rest

30 second dead hang (or max)

Instructions: Start a running clock. Jump up to a pull-up bar, and complete a 2 minute dead hang, or a max dead hang (if under 2 minutes). Rest 1 minute. Complete a 90 second dead hang, or a max dead hang (if under 90 seconds). Rest 1 minute. Complete a 1 minute dead hang, or a max dead hang (if under 1 minute). Rest 1 minute. Complete a 30 second dead hang, or a max dead hang (if under 30 seconds).

To Make More Difficult: Once you’ve completed the final 30 second dead hang, rest 1 minute, then go back up the ladder! (1 minute, 90 seconds, 2 minutes)


Everyone should be able to hang for some amount of time. And if you can’t do a 2 minute dead hang in the first round, for example, you’ll do as long of a dead hang as you can do, then continue through the workout. If your max dead hang is less than 30 seconds in the first round, we recommend accumulating 30 seconds in the first hang, 25 seconds in second hang, 20 seconds, then 15 seconds in final hang.

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