F3 Valley Forge
Reeves Park, Phoenixville PA
PAX : 8
Winklevoss led our rag-tag crew from Reeves Park over to the Phoenixville Area High School (just under 1 mile run).
Along the way we did some warmup exercises at various parking lots along the way.
The Thang : (on the Football field)
Round 1:
– run from one sideline to the other
– bear crawl to the next 5 yard line
– Bernie Sanders back to the other sideline.
Round 2 :
– lunge walk from one sideline to the other
– luge-walk to the next 5 yard line
– bear crawl to the other sideline
Pretty grueling on the upper body!
Various other exercises along the way.
Mosey back to Reeves Park.
Over 3.2 miles total.
Circle of Trust with various words of wisdom regarding being a good leader. People leave companies or groups due to the leader, usually not due to other circumstances. Shout out to Kobe as well, with Voss wearing his #8 San Francisco Jersey.