Conditions: It was a clear, sunny, warm ruck workout in Trexler Park with temperature of 69 degrees. It was chippendale weather and as such I went chippendale.
Warm-a-Rama: 1.3 mile ruck at 3.5 mph with 25# ruck sack
“Thang:” Three round circuit of three exercises with 25# ruck sack with a 0.5 mile ruck between each exercise. Each exercise increased by 10 reps from 10 to 30 reps. The routine is outlined below.
Squat Thrusters x10 reps
Ruck 0.5 mile
Burpees x20 reps (in grass)
Ruck 0.5 mile
Walking Lunges (on an incline)
Rinse and Repeat for three full rounds.
After rounds were completed, ruck an additional 1.3 miles at 4.2 mph.
Total miles rucked: 6.13 miles
Total reps of exercises: 30 Squat Thrusters, 60 Burpees, 90 walking lunges.