Conditions: It was a partly cloudy and dry start with the sun creeping through the clouds to create a pink hue. The temperature was 72 degrees.
Five PAX posted for the run/ruck this morning. Disclaimer was stated and all posted PAX agreed to the five core principles of F3 with an AYE! Two groups were created. YHC and DropBox consisted of the ruck group, led by YHC. The run group consisted of Dr. Seuss, Seat Down and Shirley, led by Seuss.
Run Group: Ran out to route 100 from Willow Lane Elementary and back for about 3.3-3.4 miles.
Ruck Group: Rucked to the bridge near Spring House Rd and back to Willow Lane Elementary for about 3 miles. YHC and DropBox had fruitful mumble chatter related to scripture and sharing some personal struggles on each of our hearts to grow in deeper brotherhood with one another.
The run group patiently waited for the ruck group to return before concluding the workout.
Count-a-Rama: 5
Name-a-Rama: See below
Long Haul on Q at the Trojan on 6/25.
YHC and possibly Sensei on Q for the Bee Hive on 6/27.
YHC soft committed to lead Q source on Correction on 6/27 following the beatdown.
Praise and prayer for all the ways Sky Q blesses and challenges us to be HIM’s and asked he continue to guide us with His wisdom each and every day.