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Ruck Training WOD

Conditions: It was a humid and cloudy start to the morning with the sun eventually peeking through with a temperature of 72 degrees.

Three PAX felt it wise to abandon the fart sack to post to the first ruck training WOD. Disclaimer was stated and all PAX agreed with an AYE!

Warm-a-Rama: All exercises performed between 10-12 reps IC.

1. Jog 2 laps around parking lot. Saw two fawn hanging out.

2. SSH x12 reps

3. Abe Pagoda’s x12 reps

4. Alternating Lunges x10 reps

”Thang:” This was a ruck training workout where YHC selected an exercise to perform ever .25 mile for 20 reps with ruck sack donned (20-30#).

1. Ruck .25 mile

1a. Squat thrusters

2. Ruck .25 mile

2a. SSH (step out to modify down)

3. Ruck .25 mile

3a. Walking Lunges (10/leg)

Rinse and repeat for another round with one additional .25 mile for a total of 60 reps of exercise and 2.1 miles. WOD was completed in 47 minutes.

Count-a-Rama: 3

Name-a-Rama: See below


1. Sensei’s Pool Party on 7/18 from 13-1700. See GroupMe to sign up.
2. August 9 is a GoRuck Light in Philly. YHC and Dr. Seuss are HC to attend. Clown car to/from.
3. Q is open for the Bee Hive on 7/18.


1. Prayer for Seuss’s sons former roommate who suddenly passed away.
2. Prayer for loving one another.

3. Prayer for healing over PAX and YHC’s sister.

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