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With warm temperatures and the promise of no running during the workout I expected more Pax to show up. That did not happen. Maybe I scared them away with another promise, “Tons of Fun.” Perhaps they just fartsacked with dreams of kettlebells in their head. Either way you can’t get better in the fartsack.


The workout of the day is a Ruck Workout! We have worked with weights before but never with weighted ruck sacks. That changed today.

Instructions for wearing and handling a weighted ruck sack in a safe manner were given along with the disclaimer.

Hike to the park at which time we did the WARM-A-RAMA:

Without the ruck on:

Don your rucksack and hike to the next destination for THAT THANG:

Hike to the next destination for:

Hike around the park for about .65 mile to pavilion where we:

and we did Mary:

Hiked back to shovel flag for COT


Prayers for Cooter’s situation


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