3 PAX for a pre-ruck around Phoenixville and the main event with 7 PAX for a beatdown in the snow (well more accurately surrounded by snow as YHC steered clear of burpees and crossfit merkins in the snow/mud).
The Disclaimer
Mosey to the VFW
Abe Vigotas (IC) x 24
Sprinklers (IC) x 30
Peter Parkers (IC) x 25
Parker Peters (IC) x 16
Imperial Squat Walkers (IC) x 16
Mosey to the foot of Bridge Street
Route 66 – 1 squat and 2 lunges at each light post to 11 and 22
Mosey to the Kiwanis Kids Benches (by Zen Village)
Deck of Death – Clubs – Merkins, Diamonds – Dips, Hearts – Plank Jacks x2, Spades – Air Presses x 2, Joker – 75 yard sprint up the hill (dodging traffic, because if you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball, next time YHC will bring wrenches)
Mosey out to next light post
Route 66 back down Bridge with Hip Slappers (numerous comments about catching the attention of traffic by slapping our you know whats while people looked on)
Mosey back to the Flag
Al Gore for the 6 at the VFW
Plank for the 6 at the Flag
Crunchy Frogs (IC) x 20
Hello Dolly (IC) x 40
100’s (IC) x 30
Namerama – Welcome DeVito from F3Alpha