Saturday, June 9 – great weather.
Disclaimer read. All PAX accepted.
Warm-up: Ab vigodas, side-straddle-hops, huggy bears, grass pickers, mountain climbers, and a few other stretches. Followed by light jogging, shuffling, skipping, karaoke, high knees and butt kickers. Mosey to pavilion for The Thang.
The Thang: PAX partnered up, rotated through five stations. Station 1 – punching bag. Station 2 -crab cakes and shoulder taps, Station 3 – ab slide and jump rope. Station 4 – Merkins and WWI sit-ups. Station 5- one-legged squats and dips. PAX rotated from station to station at the end of each song. After completing each station Dr. Seuss shared scripture memory system while PAX recovered for round two. After round two, PAX completed an Indian run back to the shovel flag.
COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.