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Reluctant Beginnings – No Is Not Always No

AO:  The Canyon            QIC – Uptown Girl

Another great day in Paradise! Your Humble Companion (YHC) arrived at the flag pole at 5:30 am.  Park is quieter on Saturday mornings.  I saw two guys standing on the stairway platform and figured I should see if they know about F3.  As I got closer to them I saw them smoking so thought maybe these are not the best guys to invite to an F3 so I turned around.

So I walked back to the Flag Pole to see if I can spot some returning PAX or other prospects.  After waiting for 10 minutes and no traffic; I said well I might as well go talk to the smokers.  It was good to talk to these men and hear them say, “Ya know I would love to do something like that.   I haven’t worked out in years.”  So I asked, How old are you guys?  We are both 24 years old.  So it turns out these guys just got off work and they fessed up they were HIGH just looking at the moon and what they thought was a star.  I can only imagine what F3 could do to help the men in this community over time.

While taking to my tokers, I light EH a guy.  He said, maybe next time.  I walk back to the shovel flag I heavy EH a guy and he makes a commitment to bring his buddy tomorrow for a workout.  I lock him in; by getting his buddy’s name and telling him there is no scheduled workout tomorrow; however, since it is my last day in town; I will come; but he has to text me if he needs to cancel.  So he walks off.

I think this is going to look really awkward working out alone calling cadences and kicking my own ass.  Instead I decide to give these guys one more try.  Sure enough I negotiate a 30 minute non killer introductory F3 workout (still FREE).  Come on how, can you ask your buddy to join you for a workout you haven’t tried yourself.  I got my two FNG’s


Mosey to down the ramp.  Sungods, Abe Vagoda, Monkey Humpers, Merkins, Derkins, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Seal Jacks, and maybe some other stuff that got us warmed up and sweating.

The Thang

  1. Rock Lunges Up Ramp – Bear Crawl Down Ramp
  2. High Knee Up Ramp – Crab Walk Down Ramp
  3. Stairs Up – 1st Platform 5 Burpees, 2nd Platform 5 Crab Cakes, 10 Dips.
  4. Indian Run – Half Mile Around Track – last guy 5 burpees.
  5. Shuffle Left – Shuffle Right
  6. 50 yard Full Sprint
  7. AYG Dips on Bench

ary –  American Hammer, Flutter Kicks, and Freddie Mercury.

CoRama – 3

NoRama –  Hollywood and TapOut

CoT – Thank God for bringing us the goodnews and a glourious brand new day.  There are men and women all of this great land that need a group of people who want to encourage the improvement of others physically, relation-ally, and spiritually.

Reflection  – Do not give up!  Even when you hear no the first time.

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