Conditions: 51 degrees and WINDY
3 PAX gathered in the WINDY gloom to see what other cards Lowes had up his sleeve for them after last Thursdays grueling DECK OF DEATH!
SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Weed pickers x 10
The Thang:
What better way to start the Thursday morning pain than with a Merkin Mile around Mr. Reeves’ park. It’s roughly 1/2 mile around the park so the merkin mile consisted of two laps around the park, stopping for some merkins at each light post (16 total light posts per lap). First lap around the park, the merkin count was 10. Second lap around the park, the merkin count was 5. The PAX stayed mostly together the whole time with Pebbles taking a slight lead and making the Merkins look SO EASY!
After last weeks Deck of Death, I determined that we don’t do enough Calf work (since my calves were the only thing sore), so we returned to the steps for some calf raises. 10 calf raises on each step (8 steps total).
Next we went over to the bandstand benches for a nice trip up and down the ladder featuring step ups and dips starting with 5 of each, going up to 25 and then back down to 5 (in increments of 5).
Next we moseyed back over to the stairs for another round of calf raises, this time 5 at each step x 8 steps.
Next we moseyed around the park another lap, but went counter clockwise to change it up a bit. Apparently Pebbles and Tuck were sad that it was just a straight mosey without any merkins. 🙂 Sorry to disappoint you brothers!
Time for one more round of calf raises (5 at each step x 8 steps) before moseying back to the flag for some Mary consisting of:
V Ups x 10
Dying Cockroaches x 10
Copperhead Squats x 10
Flutter Kicks x 20
The Thang Rep Count Recap:
240 Merkins
160 Calf Raises
125 Step Ups
125 Dips
Prayers for Pebbles Uncle John who was just diagnosed with both Brain and Lung cancer
Prayers for safe travels for Lowes and Pebbles upcoming work trips
Lowes reflected on a favorite quote of his by John Wesley:
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
To sum it up in our F3 lingo, be a HIM (High Impact Man)!