Frosty morning Co-Q with Cougar at the Bee Hive.
Cougar started us with f3 principles, WOR and mosey to pavilion with tables for – Each Pax picked an exercise for 2 rounds – exercises included pullups, dips, various abs, squats, star jacks
Mosey over to pavilion with the stage for exercises IC- 10 drydocks IC, 10 peter parker, 10 elevated dry docks, 10 catalina wine mixer each side. Then feet to the wall in plank position tried to walk hands back from plank to bttw position for 5xs (tough), 10 parker peter.
30 jump ups/step ups
Mosey to football field. Each PAX took 2 turns punting/throwing a football. Group ran until ball hit the ground then did prescribed exercise to where ball stopped – bear crawl, broad jumps, crab walk, star jumps, carioca, nur
Circled up – 25 ohc, 20 squats, 15? merkins, 10 burpee, and then 50 yrd sprint
Snake run back for Mary
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Prayers for Cougar’s father, Knievel’s widowed neighbor, and my friend Dimitri