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Post rain Brotherhood & proper form challenge

Mozzie to BB court began the warm-a-rama

Awesome half court press assorted buffet of warm up beat downs

Huggie bears, hops, monkey hampers, merkins, and a host of sprints.

Mozzie back to base; greeted by Flame coupons

Set 1 – 20 Overhead curls boosted by coupons

– pass the coupon chest pressed out to the left for 10, and to the right for 10

Cardio set – Mozzie Long Haul style half way up Trojan Dr. followed by true heart racing sprint up the hill. Squats for 6

– Clumsy clown hops down the hill to half Trojan Dr. Sprint other half to base, squats for 6

Set 2 – 25 Squats with overhead coupon

– pass 3 coupons chest pressed out for 10 to left, and to right

Set 3 – Mozzie to playground 1/2 Pax team pull-ups with emphasis on form, self challenged, personal best; switch

– Other 1/2 Pax buddy Merkins with feet on partners back, self challenge for form and personal best

Mozzie to base… for quick minutes for Mary, coupon seat-ups, 10; Feet to heaven, 10; box cutters, 10

Ended with COT, Prayers for Mani and Knievel families for recovery; Open hse for upcoming trip and protection for family

……. Make it a great day!


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