YHC was humbled and honored to guest Q for the Valley Forge Pax this morning at Reeves Park (aka the Blast Furnace). Flame and I jumped in the clowntruck at 5:15am this morning equipped with coupons, cones, and gifts. Side Effects promoted this workout as a Q school. I a not sure what that means; however, I was in a fraternity 20 years ago and recall “getting schooled” was part of the initiation or hazing process.
Here were the tools used in this schooling:
- Wearing F3 Special Edition T-Shirt – “If its’ not in the backblast it didn’t happen.”
- Signed Copy of Freed To Lead (F.T.L. aka F3 bible) – Flame and I signed right next to Dread and OBT. Please read and share with the PAX, this entire F3 thing will make perfect sense. Unlike Side Effects you don’t have to memorize before the end of the workout.
- F3 Lehigh Valley T-Shirt – gift for Side Effects in hopes of return guest Q in the Lehigh Valley. More shirts available for Valley Forge Pax who make the trip to LV for guest Q.
- Laddy Gliddy Sparkles – this is our Log of Fame used to celebrate each PAX’s who complete their 50th workout. Today she was used a dance partner for the odd man out.
- Coupons -x 10 = 25 lb Pavers
- Cones x 10 = each with a different exercise written on them.
Disclaimer – Free, Rotational lead, Outdoors, Men Only, (F.R.O.M.) end with CoT. I am not a professional, you assume the risk of injury, modify exercises up to and including not even doing the exercise. Be careful it is dark, uneven surfaces, we will do risky and stupid things. All those in favor of accepting risk say AYE!
Mosey half way around the park to meet up with David Reeves in the center. Circle up. SSH, Sungods, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Spider Man Merkins, Alabama Ass Kickers, Pickle Pushers, Motivators 10 to 1, Deconstructed Burpees 10 to 8. Sufficient complaining and sweating achieved to wake the Pax up to realize this was going to get real soon.
The Thang
Mosey back to the shovel flag. Hang on the monkey bars until 6.
Part 1 – Iron Pax Pavers 25
Place Pavers at one end. Put Laddy Glitter Sparkles 25 yards away. Partner Up.
- P1 – Arm Curls x 25 – P2 – Sprint 25, turn around bear crawl back (Flap Jack)
- P1 – Kettle Bell Swings x 25 – P2 – Sprint 25, turn around bear crawl back (Flap Jack)
- P1 – Man Makers s x 25 – P2 – Sprint 25, turn around bear crawl back (Flap Jack)
- P1 – Bonnie Blairs – P2 -Donkey Kicks – Partner Carry 25, Flap Jack, Partner Carry Back.
Odd man out, gets Laddy Glitter sparkles and does Hole Diggers. Replace any partner at any time or after 25.
Part 2 – Uptown 50 (This was a gift from Dark Helmet given to YHC)
Take Ten Cones. Partner up, 5 cones on each side. Take other 5 cones out 50 yards. Everyone PAX (both partners) does 10 burpees, read the cone which gives you a mode of transportation to the next cone. Once Pax returns to starting cone, slide to the set of cones the right. Continue through the cones until someone splashes merlot or sufficient complaining is received. We made it through about 3 rounds.
Utilize Laddy Glitter Sparkles for odd man out and carry for 50 yards and return or switch with any partner at random.
RECOVERY Truth Nugget – “If this workout is not hard enough I am sorry. If this workout is too hard I am sorry. It’s not about the workout.” – Dark Helmet
It’s about being surrounded by men who are willing to be better today than yesterday, unashamed of who they are and understanding what they stand for. Learning to live third and lead from where they are. F3 Mission is to reinvigorate male community leadership through planting, growing, and serving up a workouts for men that include Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
Mosey back to flag. Heavy Freddies for 10 count from each pax. We made it through 5 pax. Captain Thor! Big Boys 1: 4 American Hammers. Increase by 1 to 4 until get to 10:40.
CoRama = 11, No Rama (FNG’s = 0)
Prayers & Praises: Life up a long time friend (Jim) who is getting clean from Crystal Meth. Flame mentioned praise for our Veterans and Active Duty. CSPAN took us out with BOM asking we settle our hearts recognizing we are too tired to be honest with our struggles right now. Praying for the men of PA that we haven’t met yet, calling on God to open more doors for F3.
Wednesday workout at New AO. I think Boyant said he is going to take the Q. Dial-up soft commit to Q next Saturday.
Oct. 20 – Convergence in LANCO. (join Spike and Side Effects / Uptown and Flame)
Go Ruck / Light Ruck Event with CSPAN coming up soon. More details to follow.