Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Partner Murph

It was a glorious morning at the Bee Hive.  The son was shining upon the arrival of our PAX. In honor of the men and women who sacrificed everything we decided to give as much as we could to be like one of American’s Finest Navy Seals.  Michael Murphy!

Disclosure This workout is Always Free, Always Men, Always Outdoors, Always unpaid volunteers, Always rotation-ally led, and we Always end with a circle of trust.  We are Non Professional’s so you Can’t Sew Us, We don’t own anything,  everything we say is just a suggestion. Unlike other workouts we wait for our 6; which is the last guy.  The objective is that you get the best workout possible for you.  Give your near maximum effort.  Therefore modify, modify, modify!  If you hear a term you don’t understand, look to the guy to your left or right and ask him to explain.

Warmarama – Arm Circles, SSH, Sungods, Goofballs, Peter Parkers, Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vogada’s, Alabama Ass Kickers,  Across the parking lot we did high knee, butt kickers, robots, lunges, shuffle, karaoke,

The Thang

Part 1 –  Partner Murph

Run – 2 loop (1.2 mile)  – SSH until the 6.

Pull-ups:  100 combined total partner, partner assistance, or hang

Mosey recover (.25 mile)

Push-ups: 200 combined total, partner holds plank legs on his back.

Mosey recover (.75 mile)

Squats:  300 total (150 each partner as fast as possible) .

Part 2 – Baseball Races – (2 innings)

1.) Human Wheel Barrow  Race around the bases. – Flap Jack at each base.

2.) Man Carry Race around the bases – Flap Jack at home plate



Mary – Circle Up on Freddie Mercury AMRAP.  1 PAX does 5 Merkin Punches.  When 1 PAX completes another starts, fall back to Freddie Mercury until each PAX does Merkin Punches.

Announcements: F3 Picnic in motion June 10th, 11 am – 4pm.

CoRama = 9     NoRama

COT  –  Thank you God for this beautiful morning and the men who  showed up to give a little more of themselves.  We give you thanks for the men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.  Thank you for the example of sacrifice we see in them and in your son Jesus.

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