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Partner Beatdown

YHC is tardy posting this back blast.  It seems like an eternity ago…one week, what a difference.  What a week!  Ironically this workout was all about partner exercises.  One week later we are no longer even going to fist bump!

Warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Huggy Bears, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Greatest Stretch Ever, Plank Jacks, Calf Stretch, Monkey Humpers, Trunk Rolls

The Thang: Partner Beatdown

Mosey to tennis court to the bandstand

Mosey to the playground

Mosey around baseball field to bandstand (collect coupons)

Mary: Dealer’s Choice – Freddie Mercury, 1-arm plank, LBC, Alabama Ass Kicker, WWI

COT: Hamburg F3 Shirt orders are available; Hamburg manniversary on March 28th at Blue Rocks Campground with a trail run to Pulpit Rock


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