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Pain in the parking lot – Ice-olation

1. Side straddle hops, monkey humpers, grass pickers

Parking lot of pain
1. 15 diamond merkins, 15 close elbow merkins, 15 wide merkins. Squat position for 6, designated man calls out when to run parking lot up and back.
2. 20 ground dips, 20 one-leg dips left, 20 one-leg dips right, Squat position for 6, designated man calls out when to run parking lot up and back.
3. 15 side merkins left, 15 side merkins right, 15 boondocks. Squat position for 6, designated man calls out when to run parking lot up and back.
4. Repeat all 3

Each guy has a turn in Ice-olation and to tell the remaining group what exercise they do, the group then tells the independent what he must do. The guy in Ice-olation goes until failure, that’s when everyone stops the workout. Guy in Ice-olation chooses next man up.

Run parking lot, 5 laps.

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