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Nor’easter at the Grill


Weather report: Nor’easter. YHC tried to rally the troops in spite of the forecast.  2 PAX posted.  Some had semi-legit excuses.  Others may have let the weather sway their decision…not sure.  Anyway, it was wet and windy at the Grill in the gloom of this Saturday morning.  We made good use of the band stand.

Warm-a-rama: Sun gods, Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Hillbillies, J-Los, Mountain Climber

Since we didn’t get a mosey or run in, we opted for a round of Jacked up to get the blood flowing — ~20 each of SSH, Seal Jacks, Plank Jacks, Crossover Jacks, and Smurf Jacks.

 The Thang:

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — WWI, Dolly, Flutter Kicks, American Hammer, 6 Inches, Freddie Mercury

COT: Prayers for families and the other men in the PAX

Coffeeteria after the workout was especially enjoyable.


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