YHC was super excited to see Iocca this morning after a grueling Dr. Suess workout yesterday that left him splashing Merlot. He was mumbling something about paying us all back as he planned on running us hard at an upcoming workout where he would take the Q. YHC decided to pre-deliver an enhanced running workout with some additional keepsake souvenirs. In other words it was a welcomed invitation to bring the HATE, HATE we loving deserve and need from our 19 year old brother.
Weather 20 degrees and calm; which was bad news and good news for the Shovel Flag. It was too cold to put the shovel in the ground; however, the wind was calm enough to lean it up against a trash can without falling over.
Disclaimer – not professional, modify as needed, be careful, you assume risk by stating Aye!
Warmarama – mosey around .20 mile loop, circle up. SSH, Goofballs, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Alabama Ass Kickers, Clemson Prom Dates, Pickle Pushers, Monkey Humpers, and maybe one or two other embarrassing & comical movements to loosen up.
The Thang
Round 1 – Run Loop x 1 (casual pace) – stop at jungle gym. 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 Squats
Round 2 – Run Loop x 2 (moderate / increase pace) – stop at jungle gym. 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 Squats
Burpees until the six
Round 3 – Run Loop x 3- (fast, slow, fast – with bunny rabbits) stop at jungle gym. 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 Squats
Big Boy Sit-ups until the 6.
6MOM – arguably the best 6 minutes of any workout. A series of deep breaths – inhale, hold for 3 seconds, and exhale while walking recovery to shovel flag.
TAP – travel mercies for Beaker as he heads to Michigan to visit his new baby grand daughter, A group of guys are heading to Weekend To Remember, get your tickets for Men’s No Regret’s conference , and praise God for marking the path set for each of us. (Flame – Disney, Cougar – Coasta Rica, Neon – Chile, Knievel – Miami)