It was the most glorious Gloom I’ve seen this year. The second time this year I got to wear shorts and not freeze my tale off.
Long Haul and I decided 2 run the Uline Loop. Much Mumble chatter incurred after some warm up stretches and exercises to get the blood moving in the arms calves legs Etc.
Long Haul of course was very concerned about being six and therefore preventing the rest of the packs from getting the best workout possible for them.
It was further coined the Dilemma known as the Dual stable data problem. In fact it’s how countries win or lose Wars. When these stable data components of belief systems come into conflict or are crushed.
1. We always wait for the 6 and leave No Man Behind.
2. The more intense and brutal the workout is the more likely men will continue to return to the workout. Men don’t show up for easy things. This is what makes the F3 group Allure attractive two more men than last night. Frankly it’s not about what anyone thinks. It’s just a matter of psychology that says there is a standard and you want to qualify for it so become part of this group that’ll make you better.
Like many things in life there are conflicting rules which can lead to confusion. If we over focus on one we will lose the other. It is our job to navigate each situation balancing out how much or compromising to accomplish the mission.
It is important to know that on our mission today on this three-mile Uline Loop. The 6 was lost and then found again at the end.
Mission completed after watch anxiety. We even lift it up Jason and prayer after completion.