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No Burpees

There are two workouts each week you can posts and find no burpees.  (even if you are late, just ask Dr. Seuss and Shirley).  You might be left behind; however, this morning we had a 4 minute warm-up that took 9 minutes, so no one had to play catch up.

Warmarama – Ben Parke’s 4

1.  Easy Jog 60 seconds

2. Open Gate and Close Gate (15 reps each leg)

3. Leg Swings:  Front/Back + Side to Side (10 reps each leg)

4. Walking Lunge (15 yards) x 2

5. Butt Kicks (15 yards) x 2

6. High Knees (15 yards) x 2

The Thang:

Ruck or Hike gravel trail for about 2 miles.

Mary Stretch Cool Down

    Quad Stretch
    Calf Stretch
    Hip Flexor
    Child Pose

CoT – prayers for PAX injuries, our nation, and lots of 2nd F and 3rd F events on the calendar.

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