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Murph Challenge Comes to Fleetwood

The wind was gusting and unfortunately the shovel flag engineered by YHC was not up for the challenge.  I say engineered in the loosest terms possible, however, I am a psych major after all.  Nonetheless YHC pushed on with 7 PAX and 1 FNG (the Pond FNG streak continues!..shout out to McBeal, who is already a Proud Pappa after just 1 workout) in tow, and it went a little something like this:

Disclosure given, circle up for..


SSH x 15 IC, Goofballs x 20 IC, Monkeehumpers  x20

mosey up hill, down path, over bridge to pull up bars for

The Thang:  Murph Challenge: This is a workout which is performed annually in honor of fallen Navy Seal Michael Murphy.  It was one of his favorites, and the full workout looks like this:

1 Mile run, 100 pullups (ouch), 200 pushups, 300 lunges, 1 Mile run…..In a 20 lb. vest or body armor!

The Fleetwood Pax is tough, but not there yet… in the spirit of our disclosure statements, we MODIFIED:

(.3 mile run, 15 pullups (modify as needed using ground support on lower bar), 25 pushups, 30 lunges) repeato x 5

a lot of mumblechatter began immediately after briefing PAX of the impending planned beat down, mostly related to the pull ups, YHC kindly reminded all involved of the principle of “modify as needed”

PAX finished with some time to spare

did Burp Merks (burpee with 1 merkin, burpee with 2 merkins….continue to 10 OYO)

mosey to shovel flag the long way….

circled up for ab work, went around circle with PAX leading their favs in 10 count…except for

McBeal who kept going to 25 on a plank

announcements:  BooBoo invited anyone interested to Friday morning Men’s Bible Study at Fleetwood Lutheran, YHC suggested PAX start scouring for workout ideas (hint)

for future VQ opportunities



Bogey out.


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