Conditions: It was a cloudy start to the beatdown, but the sun made its appearance by the end. The Shimerville Rd parking lot was damp from some rainfall the previous day. It was a warm start to the beatdown with a temperature of 71 degrees.
The workout was started promptly at 0630. I, Dynamite, co-“Q’d” the beatdown with Flame. The F3 disclaimer was stated and all posted PAX agreed to the core values of F3 with an AYE! We did have two late arrivals which resulted in interest burpees at the end of Mary.
We were welcomed with two FNG’s with Capone being proud papa of Yinz, and Humvee being proud papa of Babe. Welcome to F3 brothers. We were all delighted to have you participate and hope you all return to grow stronger in fitness, fellowship and faith!
Warm-a-Rama: – Flame
Moseyed 1/3 of a mile from the Shimerville parking lot onto Shimerville Rd and onto a trail just outside the ‘Hive’ down to the community pool where all PAX circled around for the continuation of the warm-up. Plank was held for the six.
SSH x20 reps IC
LBAC x5 reps forward, x5 reps backward
LAC (Large Arm Circles) x5 reps forward, x5 reps backward
Toy Soldiers x10 reps IC
Merkins x10 reps IC
Carolina Dry Docks x10 reps IC
Rockette Mountain Climbers x5 reps IC on each leg (1 – knee to chest, 2 – leg straight back, 3 – leg out to the side, 4 – leg back in)
Abe Pagodas x9 slow reps IC
Rockette Kicks x10 reps each leg
Monkey Humpers x10 reps IC
All PAX moseyed 1/4 mile back to the shovel flag for Dynamite’s portion of the workout. Plank was held for the six.
“Thang:” – Dynamite – The first 21 minutes of the “Thang” was a 60 second AMRAP mountain climber variation followed by a 30 second AMRAP lunge variation with no rest time between each circuit. Rest was taken OYO, as needed. The mountain climber and lunge variations are listed below.
Continuous Mountain Climber/Alternating Forward Lunge
Running Mountain Climber/Alternating Backward Lunge
Low Plank Mountain Climber/Alternating Side Lunge
Plyometric Spider Mountain Climber/Lunge Hold on (R) – Downgrade to Spider Mountain Climber (without hop)
Jumping Mountain Climber (feet hip distance apart and jump in/out)/Lunge hold on (L)
Ski Mountain Climber (Ski Abs for those who do Insanity)/In/Out Lunge (R) – Hold lunge position and hop forward leg left/right
Jumping Sumo Mountain Climber (feet shoulder width apart and jump in/out)/In/Out Lunge (L)
Parker Peter Mountain Climber/Knee to Chest Lunge (R)
Apollo Ohno Mountain Climber/Knee to Chest Lunge (L)
Twisting Mountain Climber/12/3/6 Lunges (Forward Lunge -12 o’clock, Side Lunge – 3 o’clock, Back Lunge – 6 o’clock) on (R)
Semi Circle Mountain Climber/12/9//6 Lunge on (L)
Mountain Climber to Merkin (8 count Mountain Climber to one Merkin)/Bonnie Blair’s
Mountain Climber to Burpee (8 count Mountain Climber to one Burpee with Merkin)/Low Lunge Lift (R)
Close Grip Mountain Climber (Diamond hands)/Low Lunge Lift (L)
Mosey to “Pavilion of Pain”
Jacob’s Ladder of two exercises starting at 30 seconds and descending to 5 seconds and then ascending back up the ladder. All PAX were instructed to partner up. P1: performed Pull-ups, P2: performed Burpees. After 30 seconds, partners flapjacked exercises for 30 seconds. Once both partners completed each exercise in the superset, the time was decreased. All PAX was able to descend the ladder and ascend back up to 15 seconds before time became a constraint.
Mosey back to shovel flag.
Mary: Dealers choice of exercises. “Q” called on a PAX member to select an exercise and all selected exercises were performed for a total of 10 reps IC. “Q” selected the 2.0’s to pick an exercise to share the leadership with the youth of the group.
LBC’s – X-Box
Flutter Kicks – Chuba
Accordions – Lucky Punk
SSH – Trumpet
Burpees – Gunslinger
Circle Burpees x20 reps (Interest Burpees)
Count-a-Rama: 21
Name-a-Rama: Yinz and Babe were officially named after the workout. See below for the other 19 names.
Q-Source on Missionality facilitated by Sensi after the beatdown
G3tth3Ruck0ut’s official ruck launch is on Monday June 8, 2020 @ 0530 at Lil Le Hi Fish Hatchery.
Praises to God for Chuba graduation from middle school and transition to high school. Prayer of guidance during the transition.
Prayers for Dr. Seuss and Knievel for restoration of health.
Prayer of Ps 133: 1 over all PAX and world to come together in unity; praise for F3 being an example of unity for all men!
A special thanks to Flame for assisting in the shared leadership of the beatdown and the 2.0’s for their contribution to Mary.
HIM’s, it was once again my duty, honor, and pleasure to deliver a challenging beatdown to help you all accelerate in your fitness and be “sharper” than when you started the beatdown. If there is anyway I can serve you, please reach out. Dios Te Bendiga, hermanos!