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Minute Madness

The pax met on a glorious cool Saturday morning at 6:30 AM to push each other to the limit for a minute.  Well, it didn’t feel like a minute at some of the stations and felt more like an eternity.

The Thang


*Each round each exercise is done for one minute. There are 5 stations/exercises per round.  There is a minimum goal to reach in the minute time frame.  If you don’t make it, you get a penalty point to be decided at the end of the round.

Round 1

*At the end of the round as a penalty everyone did minimum 20 merckins with 10 being added on for each penalty point earned

Round 2

*At the end of the round as a penalty everyone did minimum 20 big boy sit-ups with 10 being added on for each penalty point earned

Round 3

*At the end of the round as a penalty everyone did minimum 30 squats with 10 being added on for each penalty point earned

Round 4

*Penalty was side planks 30 seconds each side everyone does with 10sec a side for each penalty point earned.


Circle of Trust




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