Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Lunges thru the Swamp

Disclaimer given. Mosey to the flag pole.

Warm-ups: Neck roles, Arm circles, Moroccan nightclubs, Abe Vigotas, SSH, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers

The Thang: 3 sets of 4 exercises as followes: 20 – Squats, Lunge across the midfield, 20 – Merkins, Sprint back to start. Plank for the Six. Repeat.

Mosey to the playground. 3 sets of 3 exercises as follows: Divide into 3 groups. 10 – Pullups, 20 – Dips on benches, 20 – Pull ups on swingset. Rotate for 3 sets.

Mosey back to flag for round of Mary. End in Circle of Trust.

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