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LOF, Q sign-up, and a workout.

Rhyming Disclaimer, LOF rules accepted

Warm-up:  IC x20: imperial walkers, toy soldiers, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, Peter Parkers, WGS, butt kickers, Freddie Mercury, high knees, mountain climbers, SSH, Merkins, goof balls, burpees.

The Thang:  Groups of three with weights, jump rope, and Mary mat.  Partners rotate through sets of AMRAP in 45 seconds and then switch.  Partner A on jump rope.  Partner B Weight reps included: thrusters, back fly, skull crushers, curls, bench press, and arm extensions.  Partner C plank positions on Mary mat included: low, high, low side, low other side, back, and Q sign-up.

Mary:  People’s chair count of ten.  BTTW count of 5.  IC  x20 with weights: American hammers, big boys, chest flys, flutter kicks, J-lo, windshield wipers, half – Superman.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer requests.

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