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Lead by Example

Saturday, September 16, 2017 QIC – Uptown Girl

YHC has an bum ankle; therefore is Q’ing 0.0 workout. Neon leading the regular boot camp Q.

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


Arm Circles, Robots, Abe Vogoda, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Hill Billies. Followed by an rotational Q warm-up to finish. SSH, Alternating Shoulder Tap, Greatest Stretch Ever, Peter Parker, Swimmers, Heisman Lunges.

The THANG: 0.0

MOSEY – Two Pax carry 40lb salt bag doing trunk twists and overhead presses. Rest of PAX walk with high knees, lunges, high knees.

Ascending Curb Craw- 1 to 13
Burp Back Mountain – walk up hill backwards, walk forward. Partner Burpees. (5 rounds)
Hold Plank – 10 count – 3 position – 1 arm
Bleacher Dips – x 25
Army Crawl from sideline to midfield
Crab Walk from midfield to sideline
Step up Bleachers – IC – 10 count
Mosey to Shovel Flag with Sand Bags

Joined the Bootcamp PAX for Plank Railroad. Circle Up for Toss the Ball Big Boy Sit-ups.


Countarama – 11

Capone stepped up to take Site Q responsibility for Bee Hive and Uptown taking Site Q responsibility for Trojan. Flame taking on responsibility of launching F3 Wetsone Leadership training. Dail-up taking Q next Saturday. Tiny Bubbles taking Q the following Saturday. Flame taking Q the 3rd Saturday. Checkmate taking Tuesday Q. Beaker Taking Thursday Q. Great Job Men

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