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Lake Champion

Lake Champion Men’s Retreat

F3 Workout on Saturday October 7th, 2017

The numbers don’t lie. There were 26 men who vacated the fartsack and attended the F3 workout that morning. A group of High Impact Men looking to live third behind their creator and their community. In order for men to be high impact they must be sharpened by other men and that is exactly what we did that weekend. Below are my thoughts after the weekend and what it all meant to me.

Heading into the weekend I did not have any expectations as this was my first time in attendance. The weekend is very well put together with the right mix of levity and spirituality. There was definitely some fun and sleep was hard to come by, especially in my cabin. On Saturday morning I got to workout with the men below and it was amazing. What an opportunity to share F3 with some brothers. On Saturday night I sat and listened for 15 minutes. Nothing happened! This concerned me and encouraged me at the same time. First I was concerned that God and I were so far disconnected that we were not to have a conversation. That could very well be the case. The encouragement came when someone said to me that maybe God did not have anything to say to me. Ok, errrr ….. not sure that helps. Then I was asked if it seems like the devil is trying to ruin my plans. The answer is yes. My friend told me that the closer we get to God the closer the devil gets to us. I tell you all of this to encourage those who did not have a conversation with God that evening. Maybe there was nothing to say. Continue to seek his face and humble yourself. Amen.

After the weekend I feel rejuvenated and alive. That weekend relly put things into perspective for me and I can’t wait until next year.


P.S. For those who do not know me I am in the front row on the right with red and black kicks on.


It’s a sign!
WW1 Sit-ups will get you up every time.
The PAX, men who have taken the DRP and posted.



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