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Knievel Krunch

Disclaimer was given Warm up…. Short mosey, Abe vigotas, grass pickers, shoulder taps, plank jacks, Peter parkers The Thang… (Demotivators) 10 motivators split up with each pax adding an exercise of there choice in                              between…went like this Motivator 10 count….10 imperial walkers…..short mosey….. 10 merkins… plank for the 6 Motivators 9 count…..10 Carolina dry docks…..short mosey….10 merkins…plank for the 6 rinse and repeat down to 1 motivator with various awesome exercises in between Cougar led us through a few exercises to take up a little extra time round of mary Cot…announcements….prayers and praises and please forgive me guys I forgot cor and nor  

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