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Kettle Bell Dodge Ball (not as bad as it sounds) :-)

7 Pax members


20 side straddle hops in cadence

10 merkins into 20 mountain climbers in cadence



Dodgeball – We split into 2 teams, everyone had a kettle bell, 5 of them were 25 pounds, 2 of them were 55 pounds.  If you were hit you were not out, you just had to hold the 55lb kettle bell.  The player that hit the other team called an exercise for everyone to do. Increments of 10.  First hit on  a team was 10 of something, second time that team was hit was 20 of an exercise, and so on up to 50.  First team to get hit 5 times loses.

We played 3 matches.

Did a short mosey around the park, then eduplank, then a round of 6″ and flutter kicks.

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