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Jacob’s Ladder

Conditions: It was a lightened start to the day with a beautiful, clear blue sky and a temperature of 35 degrees.

Nine PAX posted for the beatdown this morning. The disclaimer was stated prior to the start of the workout and all agreed to the values of F3 with an AYE!

Warm-a-Rama: With the exception of jogging five laps around the Shimerville Rd parking lot, all exercises were performed in cadence for 20 reps.

    Jog five laps around parking lot
    Plank Jacks
    Imperial Walkers
    Crab Cakes
    Side Lunges
    Mountain Climbers
    Abe Pagodas
    Monkey Humpers

The PAX was instructed to take a 3/4 lap mosey around The Bee Hive and meet under the second pavilion next to the little league field and squat hold until six was called. Great mumble chatter was had during this time.

“Thang:” The “Thang” today was a 10 to 1 Ladder Workout composed of six exercises. Premise of the workout was to start at 10 reps of each exercise and progress all the way down to one rep of each exercise. Spotting was provided to some of the PAX during pull-ups for those needing that little help to accelerate, as well as, to two of the 2.0’s. A few highlights of the “Thang” was watching Abscess accelerate to complete pull-ups with PAX pick up at times, 2.0’s hopping onto Dynamite’s back, as a human weight vest, for him to perform push-ups and two pull-ups, and watching the encouragement provided by all PAX to each other to sharpen one another. This is what F3 is all about! Great job, HIM’s! eh hem… the exercises performed in the listed order are as follow:

    Big Boy Sit-Ups
    Bonnie Blair’s

Mosey back to shovel flag for completion of interest Circle Burps x10 reps, and a small round of Mary.

Mary: It was dealers choice for only four exercises x10 reps in cadence (for two exercises) and standard count for the first and last exercises.

    Pickle Pushers
    Freddie Mercury’s
    Single Leg Stance Hip Abduction (Leg out to the side, unsupported)

Count-a-Rama: 9

Name-a-Rama: Abscess (posted for three workouts this week after starting his first workout on Thursday), Einstein, Daredevil, Dial Up, Dynamite, Knievel, Shirley, Spud and Uptown Girl


    F3 Princeton will be hosting a virtual beatdown on Monday 04/13/2020 at 0700 with CSPAN as the Q. This is in celebration of F3 Princeton’s First Manniversary. See GroupMe feed for code to access this workout. Don’t want to share here on the BB in light of hackers demonic actions.
    Shirley will be making his F3 VQ next Saturday, April 18, 2020 at The Bee Hive at 0630. For those of us able, let’s come out and support Shirley, his wisdom and leadership next Saturday. Way to step up, brother!


    Praises for having life because of Christ’s sacrifice
    Praises for all PAX that posted
    Praises for the beautiful morning
    Prayers for front line workers (all encompassing)
    Prayers for Ethan’s family during time of tragedy
    Prayers for all PAX and all outside of F3 dealing with a disastrous storm in their respective seasons that they know they’re living in Easter Sunday to deal with Good Friday (Death of Christ).

Virtual Q-Source followed on the topic of “Whetstone” led by our very own Beaker.

Men and children, it was my duty, honor and privilege to lead you all in an effective beatdown this morning to continue helping you all accelerate in your respective first “F’s”. If there is anyway I can serve you in anyway, please reach out.

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