Ok, so here is the story. The F3 IronPAX Challenge started in a far away galaxy a long long time ago. The name of this galaxy is F3 Greenwood and they are from the galaxy known as “Cray, Cray.”
We moseyed and warmed up in the pavilion closest to the football field. The warm up consisted of LBACs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Abe Vagodas, Grass Pickers, Plank, Merkins, and Ankle Rolls.
We moseyed to the football field to start the fun. Here is the task for the IronPAX pre-Challenge:
25 Hand Release Merkins
100 yard bear crawl
25 Hand Release Merkins
100 yard bear crawl
The goal is to finish this evolution as quickly as possible. A stop watch was left on the goal line. the first PAX that returned (Flame) held the watch for the rest.
Here are your times:
Flame and Dr. Seuss —– 5 minutes and 58 seconds
Kneivel —– 9 minutes and 41 seconds
Longhaul —– 12 minutes and 42 seconds
Mulcahy —– 13 minutes and 01 second (time does not count towards the challenge)
That was a challenge.
To finish out the hour:
Squats x 10
Line Jumps – 10 reps each:
side to side
front to back
one foot side to side – left then right
one foot front to back – left then right
Pull up ladder – 5 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps, 2 reps, 1 rep
We then moseyed back to the shovel flag and realized one of our guys had to slow down. Improvise!
On the walk back to the shovel flag we: Toy Soldier walk, high knees walk, butt kicker walk, then we moseyed back to the shovel flag for 6 minutes of Mary.
That 6 minutes went quick so we then did some form of Broga. Frankly, I don’t want to talk about this part.
Let’s move on. COT
Announcements (details on site: f3lehighvalley.com/news)
Boulder Dash, August 11th
Wednesday Workout and Word 6:30 at Flames
NEW AO – F3 at Faith
Challenges are placed in front of us every single day. Some we can handle on our own, some we need help with and still others are insurmountable. Reach out to your brothers if you need help, even if you don’t want it. Call one of us and rely on each other.
Until next time
Flame out ….