YHC woke to two text messages — Teardrop and Wichita were at the shore and would not make the workout and Mr. Clean had two football scrimmages and a double graduation party to prepare for so he would also not make it. Nonetheless, four PAX showed up in the morning gloom at the Grill. However, even Ringworm announced that he had a bicep injury that would preclude him from full participation in the challenge. T-claps to him for showing up and modifying the workout around his injury.
The disclaimer was given and all moseyed to the tennis court for warm-a-rama: Sun Gods, Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Monkey Humpers, Best Stretch Ever, Plank Jacks, and SSH.
Mosey back to the truck to pick up our coupons — being a frugal dutch man, YHC used what was available, old 40 pound cement blocks. No wimpy 25 pounders for the Hamburg PAX! Just a short way into the first round and YHC had serious doubts about his stubborn decision not to acquire the prescribed blocks. Ringworm proved to have better foresight and brought several 12 pound plates. He and Ditto opted to use 2 each of them. Mr. Green and YHC toughed it out with the crusty old cinder blocks.
Eight minutes each of AMRAP of Thrusters, Curls, Kettle Bell Swings, and Manmakers using the coupon of choice with 2-minute rest between sets. Run 25 yards up and back after each 25-rep interval.
I’m sure we didn’t break any records but put in a commendable effort to be proud of. We were totally gassed by the time the final alarm rang.
During our COT, YHC received a text from Teardrop with a photo confirming that he and Wichita had just completed a workout at the campground they were staying at, so YHC decided to give them credit for an F3 workout. Good work men!
COT: prayers for Mr. Green’s family during the loss of a grandfather; praise for a friend of Ditto who came through heart surgery very successfully.