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Ironclad Workout 4

Warm Up
800m (0.5 mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only.
10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side

Super Set Spectacular
Note: It would benefit you to have two to three different weighted coupons, kettlebells, and/or dumbells (light, medium, heavy) for this workout. This workout will be somewhat anaerobic (strength focused) but will have you moving continuously to give you a high intensity aerobic feel due to the super sets. Super sets for those that do not know, means you will complete an exercise and then move immediately to the other exercise back and forth for the prescribed number of rounds, sets, and reps.
A1. Coupon Squats – Heavy Coupon
3 x 8-12
A2. Coupon Kettlebell Swings – Medium Coupon
3 x 10-12

B1. Chin-Ups – can use a weighted vest or a weighted rucksack for added challenge
3 x 6-12
B2. Coupon Press Overhead- Medium Coupon
3 x 8-12

C1. Box Jump (can use box, stairs, or picnic table)
4 x 4
C2. CouponThruster- Medium Coupon
4 x 6-8

D1. Burpee Broad Jump (burpee with broad jump at the top, turn around, and repeat)
4 x 3
D2. Dips- Done on elevated surface such as benches, low walls, or even curbs- legs straight (wear vest or rucksack put light coupon on lap for added challenge) – light to medium coupon or vest/rucksack
4 x 8-12

E1. High Intensity Finisher
3 Rounds non-stop
-20 Bonnie Blairs (one rep left or right counts as a rep- 10 per side)
-15 CPR’s with Coupon or kettlebells or DB – light to medium weight (Combination of 3 Arm exercises with weight. Starting position like doing curls and done all together in a 4-Count cadence: 1 = “C”url, 2 = Overhead “P”ress, 3 = Tricep “R”aise (i.e. extension), 4 = Return to starting position.
-5 Burpee Pull-ups (do burpee with pull-up at the top) 

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