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Iron Pax-3. One Year @ the Ranch

Warm up Given By Uptown Girl..

SS Hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Mountain Climbers, Monkey Humpers, Imperial Walkers, World greatest stretch.

The Thang!

Iron Pax Challenge #3 started with .

400 meter run , 100 Merkins, 400 meter run, 90 squats, The Merkins and Squats reduced by 20 each round with a 400 meter run in between each exercise until the last round which was 20 Merkins, 400 meter run 10 Squats and a final 800 meter run to finish.

for a total of 300 Merkins, 250 Squats and 3 miles.. timed.

Finished with Dynamite leading us with 30 run in place Burpees.. followed by Countarama, NameOrama and Circle of trust.

Decaf showed up in time to lead us in Prayer. Thanks to my F3 brothers for the encouragement , wisdom and support.

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