Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Independence Day

Weather: Perfect conditions for sweating.  Disclaimer verbally accepted.

Mosey to football field pavilion.

The Thang: 1776 – 4 rounds of 4 different exercises in 4 sets of 25 reps each OYO.  Round 1– Arms: overhead claps.  Abs: hundreds.  Legs: squats.  Lungs/Cardio: mountain climbers.  Round 2 – Merkins.  Abs: American hammers.  Legs: lunges.  Lungs: goof balls.  Round 3 – Arms: dips.  Abs: flutter kicks.  Legs:  step-ups.  Lungs: SSH.  Round 4– Arms: LB arm circles.  Abs: LBC’s.  Legs: Bonnie Blairs.  Lungs: Freddie Mercury.

100 yard sprint.

76 Burpees.

Total of 1776 reps.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.

9 for Q Source.  Coffee provided by Who Dat?

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