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Hudson Fryar Tribute Beatdown

Conditions: It was a cold, crisp, clear and sunny start to the beatdown at the Hive, where seven HIM’s abandoned the fart sack to pay tribute to another PAX members late son!

Disclaimer was stated and all PAX agreed to the terms of F3 with an AYE!

Warm-a-Rama: Mosey about 1/3 mile to the cinderblock station where all PAX were instructed to grab and coupon for the workout. From there, all PAX walked with their coupon to the football field lot to circle up to complete 15 reps of the following exercises in cadence:

1. SSH

2. Plank Jacks

3. Alternating Side Lunges

4 . Mountain Climbers

5. Squat to Imperial Walker

6. Peter Parkers

7. Huggy Bears

8. Large Arm Circles

Thang: Hudson Fryar Tribute Beatdown: Five rounds of the following exercises:

1. H – 8 Hand Release Burpees

2. U – 21 Upright Rows

3. D – 4 Dan Taylor’s (1 Squat: 4 Lunges) go up to 4 Squats and 16 Lunges and back down the ladder for one Dan Taylor)

4. S – 19 Spider-Man Merkins (knee to elbow in the down position for Merkin)

5. O – 15 Outlaws (feet together in flutter kick position, circle legs around for 15 reps to (R) and 15 to (L).)

6. N – 14 No Surrenders (4 count: down to (L) knee, down to (R) knee, up onto (L) foot and up onto (R) foot)

.25 mile run

YHC wanted to keep the group unified, so PAX completed all of the reps of every exercise together and in sync, run included. We completed one round as noted above, but then YHC decided to add some C4 to the mix and change up the intensity of the workout. All exercises were modified up to be performed with the 35# cinderblock. So for the last two rounds (due to time) the exercises were modified to:

1. H – 8 Hand Release Blockees

2. U – 21 Upright Rows (unchanged)

3. D – 4 Dan Taylor’s with 35# coupon

4. S – 19 Spider-Man Derkins

5. O – 15 Outlaws holding coupon over chest level

6. N – 14 No Surrenders with 35# coupon

0.25 mile run WITHOUT coupon haha!

Mary: All exercises were performed using the 35# coupon in some way. Not my idea, but idea of each PAX member who selected an exercise.

1. Jenny from the Block’s (J-Lo’s while holding low plank of the coupon) x 10 reps IC

2. Flutter Kicks holding coupon above chest level x15 IC

3. Side plank on each hand for a 15 second count

4. Pickle Pushers with elbows/forearms supported on the coupon x10 reps IC

Count-a-Rama: 7

Name-a-Rama: See Below


1. F3 Manniversary in Wilmington, NC on Jan 15-18.
2. Zoo Ruck on Nov 13 (Friday) from 16-1800 with fellowship with family in the Zoo Parking lot after for the first night of Lights at the Zoo.

CoT: Prayers for unity as the election approaches, Hudson and Nomad, teachers and district leadership, Streisand CA recovery, YHC’s mom and sister.

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