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Honor thy Fallen

Conditions: It was an overcast start to the “Murph” workout at the Bee Hive with a temperature of 64 degrees.

The “Murph” is a workout popularized by CrossFit, but developed by the late Lt. Michael Murphy, who died in combat to preserve the freedom we all enjoy. The “Murph” was originally entitled the “Body Armor” workout because Lt. Murphy performed the workout in a 20# weighted vest. Lt. Murphy developed this workout to challenge the men of his unit to be stronger men. In honor of Lt. Murphy and all servicemen and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedom we are blessed with, six PAX took on this challenge to push one another to become stronger. One PAX member decided to perform his first “Murph” with a 20# ruck sack to honor the authenticity of the workout.

”Thang:” The “Murph”: 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, 1-mile run.

The PAX broke down the pull-ups, merkins, and squats into 20 sets of: 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats. Flame kept scorecard of each PAX round as each PAX member called out. The blessing of the challenge was seeing all PAX members encourage one another, assist those in need during the latter rounds of pull-ups, and leave no man behind, where PAX ran with the last PAX member to complete the challenge, as well as, with those struggling to complete the last mile. It was a beautiful challenge that unified all of us HIM’s to grow closer in community, while serving to sharpen one another. YHC wants to give a special T-Clap to Who Dat for not giving up and running that last mile without stopping. It wasn’t easy, but with a band of brothers running at your side encouraging you throughout, you demonstrated mental fortitude and I’m in awe of that! Great job, brother! Great job to all of the PAX for completing the challenge and for being an inspiration and example of IMPACT!

Coffeeteria followed with coffee provided by Who Dat. Thank you, God for the provision of coffee, and Who Dat for providing the coffee.

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