F3 5/25/19 11 PAX for a Glorious morning at the Beehive!
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Warm-a-rama: Scissor Jacks, Chinook Squats, Pendulums, Carioca, James Bonds, Shoulder Taps. Mosey.
Clock Merkins, Rockette Hillbillies, Plank Jacks, Squat Potato. Snake Run.
Hanging Leg Lifts, Morning Call, Canoes, Motivators. Bag Brigade.
Wave Derkins, Highlights, Peoples Chair, Growing Pains, Stations. Simon Says Mosey.
Announcements, Prayers, Praises, Counterama, Namerama, COT.
Thank you to those who are wearing the uniform, who wore the uniform, and those who never made it out of the uniform.