Seven men took the daily red pill this morning to accelerate their fitness, fellowship, and faith. Once Mr. Clean and, finally, Teardrop rolled in on the dot we were able to start. Since we had two FNGs, F3 core principles were explained and the disclaimer was given. The alternative to accept the disclaimer was to head directly to Four Twelve and savor some good coffee while waiting for the rest to show up after the workout. Surprisingly, no one opted for this. The one FNG showed up for F3 since his tennis partner ditched him this week and he didn’t want to endure any jibes for not doing physical exercise during our weekly gathering at Four Twelve (YHC predicted he would post to F3 in last week’s back blast).
Mosey to the tennis court for warm-a-rama: Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Slow to Fast Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks.
The Thang:
Start off with Ascending Testicles – feet at 15 degrees for 10 Merkins, then 45 degrees for 10 more, and then full BTTW (or in this case, balls to the chain link fence).
Mosey to the far side of the park for Red Barchetta. Disclaimer – Flame and I did not coordinate our workouts today. I read his backblast from the Beehive and laughed that we had similar plans for inflicting pain on our respective PAX.
Red Barchetta: cones were set at ~ 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Run to 100 yards and do 100 Squats, run back and plank for the six; run to 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers, return and plank, 50 yards/50 LBCs, 25 yards/25 Merkins, 10 Yards/10 Burpee, then do a staggered Merkin crawl back to the start.
Mosey to playground for Morning Call – all PAX in Dip position, in turn, each runs to the pull-up bar to call out 10 pull-ups while the PAX do one dip for each pull-up.
Plank Hurdles back to the shovel flag for some Global Warming – hold Al Gore position and shuffle around in circle; stop for 15 Bobby Hurleys, 15 Hillbillies, and 10 Burpees in cadence. There was mumblechatter about looking silly during this but not as silly as last week when we drew attention from a friend of Mr. Clean who saw us doing Walk Like an Egyptian along the highway.
Following Global Warming, Apollo starting whining about not running like we did last week so over complaints from the PAX, YHC lead a run around the baseball field – first half mosey, second quarter Nur, and final leg a sprint.
Mary: Dealer’s Choice – American Hammers, Six Inches, WWI, Hollow Body Rockers, Freddie Mercury, LBCs, and an arched back leg up dip something or other that our FNG lead which turns out to be a good back exercise.
COT: Announcements – Convergence next week, Cruise Night at TBC on Thursday, plans for Boulder Scramble on August 11th. Prayer request – Ringworm’s and Teardrop’s families during the loss of their grandmother.
We welcomed our two FNG’s into F3 with names of Wooly due to his flock of wool-bearing livestock and of Wichita (think Wichita Lineman by Glen Campbell)
Following the workout, all of the PAX recuperated from the beat down at Four Twelve for various caffeinated beverages (or juice, in Apollo’s case). The mumblechatter was lively and uplifting.