Site icon F3 Lehigh Valley

Grill River Trail Loop Escalator

Conditions: cool temps in low 30’s but abundant sunshine

4 PAX posted to the Bartram Trail parking lot for a live beatdown.  It was great to have Dynamite visit us from his typical Lehigh Valley haunts.  He started his F3 experience at the Grill and Pork Chop was his “proud papa” before he exploded onto the Lehigh Valley scene.  It was fun to have him back!

Warm-a-rama: arm circles, trunk rolls, abe vigoda, grass pickers, best stretch ever, calf stretch, plank jacks

The Thang:

Instead of running on the Bartram Trail, we opted to run the Schuylkill River trail loop which was a total of ~ 2 miles

Stop ~ every 500 yards for exercise:

10 Burpees

20 Bonnie Blairs

30 Merkins

40 Walking Lunges

50 American Hammers

60 Squats

70 Mountain Climbers

60 Flutter Kicks

arrive back at parking lot and continue running laps around the parking lot

50 Imperial Walkers

40 Alternating Shoulder Taps

30 Carolina Dry Docks

20 Crab Cakes

10 Burpees

20 Dips (IC)

~ 30 Rocky Balboas

MARY: Dealer’s Choice — LBC, WWI, Big Boy/Prom Date combo, Heels to Heaven, Peter Parker from Bear Crawl position

COT: Prayers for Pocahontas’s sister-in-law who is home from hospital, prayers for Dynamite as he transitions to new rhythm/schedule with his new job

Pork Chop had to leave (farm work was calling) but the rest of us grabbed some coffee from Dunkin Donut and returned to the parking lot for coffeeteria.  This is when YHC remembered to take a photo (sorry we missed you Pork Chop).


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