mid 40’s, sunny and windy
Three PAX posted for a chilly but beautiful April morning workout. Lots of pre-workout mumblechatter about Wichita’s new chicken venture and the disclaimer was missed. Fortunately this was a seasoned F3 group.
Warm-a-rama: mosey to tennis court – Arm Circles, Moroccan Nightclubs, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Alabama Ass-Kicker, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walker, Smurf Jacks, Bridges with alternating leg raises
The Thang:
Dirty Mac Deuce – 4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12 4-count reps. After each set, run a lap around the field
Set 1
12 Ranger Merkins 12 Sumo Squats 12 Flutter Kicks |
Set 2
12 Carolina Dry Docks 12 Plank Jump-ins 12 American Hammers |
Set 3
12 Shoulder Taps 12 Lunges 12 Dying Cockroach |
Set 4
12 Diamond Merkins 12 Pistol Squats 12 In-Outs |
Mosey to Playground for Pullups, Underdogs, and Dips
Mosey to the band stand for Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Australian Snow Angels, Freddie Mercuries, LBCs, Side Plank with dips, Plank for 20 count each, WWI
COT: Prayers for Wichita’s family, thanks for blessings in our lives