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Green Eggs and No Hammy at The Pond

My virgin Q started with a questionable hammy. Rough Rider is also enjoying the same, so the workout was patterned after “Green Eggs and No Hammy.” How much fun can you have without using the hammy?

Also, turns out I deleted the Winkie that I had emailed to myself. Not to worry, the email trashcan is a lifesaver.  Started on time—barely—disclosure (which is way too tempting for a lawyer not to modify just a bit) and then the


15 SSH IC, 15 Goof balls IC, Gorilla walk, and 15 Mountain Climbers IC

Mosey to the

First Station for the shoulder smoker: Burpees OYO, Merkins IC, Double wide Merkins IC, Burpees OYO, Gorilla walk with Merkins at each end IC.
Once the pax were finished, they thought, circle up for plank while each pax took turns doing merkins and returning to plank for the next pax. The pax like this, until it hurt…so we moved on to the wildly comfortable rubber-padded playground for the

Second Station which was the ab booster:

Burpees OYO (pax a little uneasy on a pattern starting), Dr. W’s, Flutter kicks – everyone counts to 10, LBC’S IC, Box cutters


The pax was wildly excited for the Dr. W’s. There were pleas to the powers that be of incorporating these into every gathering and in increasing repetitions.  Eight sounds lightweight until you have done the first three and start thinking that you still have five more to go.  The group counted flutter kicks proved to be oh so sweet.

On to the Third Station: Shoulders and chest breakdown

5 Burpees OYO – (pax now see the pattern and accepted them well), Diamond Merkins SC, Alternating Shoulder Touches in Cadence (4-count), Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4), fast Merkins. Plankjacks IC, Squats with air presses IC


It is expected that the pax will be voting to require Rough Rider to wear a weighted vest (weighing approximately 100 lbs) for all pushups as he shows no fatigue… On to the


On to the Fourth Station: finish off those abs

Burpees OYO (go figure on that one), WWI sit ups, 15 Low Dolly’s IC, American Hammers IC, Leg “throw” downs.

McBeal made sure that everyone knew that the WWI sit ups were child’s play—and his reward was the leg “throw” downs.

Mosey back to the flag for some long-awaited MARY

Plank, down dog, pike, plank, down dog, etc. LBC’s IC, Protractor, X’s and O’s  (Q could hardly demonstrate the X’s and O’s so it was a great mercy to see 6:15?)

Countarama – 7

Namarama – No FNG’s

Announcements – Several of the Mrs. are jealous and have decided to gather at the pond on Tuesdays and Thursdays to make their own fun. Females over 18 invited.

Prayer Requests – Kyle Wetherhold having surgery on Tuesday.


Treehugger out – “Timber!”

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