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Friday Burner at The Pond

38, clear, stars were out..”The heavens declare the glory of GOD”

7 pax plus 1 FNG…almost a naked post but Mcbeal flew in a few minutes into X jacks


ssh, x jacks, ATMs…lined up on edge of parking lot:  high knees length of lot, butt kickers back, karaoke across, 85 per cent sprint back.

-mosey to pullup bar for “morning call”: pull-ups and merkins…with some abs thrown in

-mosey to bandshell/ stage for boxjumps/ dips x 20

-mosey to basketball court for Dora:

Pax 1: run to foul, touch, back to baseline, touch, to half court, touch, back, touch…etc.

Pax 2: worked on burpees x 75 (flapjack when pax 1 returns)

break for dr ws

Round 2

Pax 1: bear crawl across width of court, crawl bear back

Pax 2: working on 250 squats

mosey back to start



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