PAX of 8 posted for a Side Effects return from family vacation Q to enjoy the beautiful pre-rain cool temps in Reeves Park newly named the Blast Furnace (t-claps to Dos Equis on the AO name suggestion).
The Thang:
Mosey the short way to the baseball field
COP for a group Q’d warm-up:
Arm circles x20 (IC) SFx
Circle arms x20 (IC) SFx
Lt. Dan to 10 Squats and 20 Lunges (OYO) Flipper – several complaints about this not being a warm-up, but too painful. YHC remoniced about OBT’s trip to NOLA when he had the PAX do a latter of 11 burpees down to 2, then back to 11.
Merkins x 15 (IC) Ma’ne
SSH x 20 (IC) Spike
IW x 20 (IC) Mr. Feeny
Overhead arm stretch and hold FNG – several comments about this being a real warm-up exercise and how the new guy already knows what he’s doing better than the vets.
Low Slow Squat (Al Gore’s in motion) x 20 (IC) Retail
YHC can’t remember what Mr. Glass Q’d, but it was definitely epic
Mosey a few yards over to the sidewalk behind the bandstand
Long description by YHC on this new routine
BLIMPS at the 4 corners of half the park: 10 Burpees in place, 20 Lunges at next corner, 30 Imperial Walkers, 40 Merkins, 50 Peter Parkers, and 60 Squats at subsequent corners
Hello Dolly x 25 (IC)
Superman x 10 (IC)
American Hammer x 25 (IC)
Dancing chillicut x 10 (IC)
V Situps x 8 (IC)
One legged wife pleasers x 10 (IC) each leg
Crab cakes x 25 (IC)
Mosey to the fitness center for 1 set each of:
Low rows
Merkin Bulldogs
Knee Ups
Hip Slappers
PAX Hanging bar hang with arms at 90 degrees – t-claps to Retail for setting the standard
Discussed Ultimate Convergence in Lehigh Valley on 7/28 – no takers this time
Named the AO – the Blast Furnace in recognition of Phoenixville’s steel making history and the fact that it is where raw materials are added to create liquid iron. Also symbolic of iron sharpening iron and the refinement of sad clowns and fartsackers into HIMs (High Impact Men).
T-shirt ideas – settled on a buff George Washington front and center – discussed tattoos of Red Coats killed and a heart with Martha. Suggested the iconic Valley Forge tents in the background.
Shout Outs
Dominick – Retail’s friends father
Those impacted by duck boat tragedy and other storms in the Mid-west this week (Marshalltown)